sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Nuevas carreras de Computacion/Sistemas/Informatica

Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas para Sociedad


En proximo 3-5 de Abril tendremos en Lima una reunion muy importante de 10 paises llatino americanos y España para discutir el problema de la nomenclatura de las carreras en computacion/Sistemas/informatica y combinaciones. Este evento contara con la presencia del pdte de IEEE que ya confirmo su presencia por la importancia que esto ha tomado a nivel internacional.

Cada pais, está trabajando en un articulo al respecto y deseamos que la informacion sea lo mas proxima a la realidad en el caso peruano. Por esta razon les pedims a todos ustedes que nos informen de la creación de carreras de esta rama en los ultimos 5 anhos.

Necesitamos denominacion, institucion y ciudad donde funciona. Las conclusiones de este evento seran divulgadas por este medio.


LimaHack@UTP Les prometo que es la última

Hablando en serio, el día Sábado 26 de Marzo a las 8:30am (si ESTE Sábado...) estaremos reuniendonos nuevamente, con los amigos del LimaHack, esta vez en la UTP, tendremos algunas novedades, algunos cambios, algunos upgrades, algunas repeticiones... en fin... habrá de todo como en botica (o si prefieren, como en Wilson)...

La última vez se que tuvimos gente de provincia que viajó a Lima para asistir a este evento, lo cual nos alaga mucho, y espero que haya valido el esfuerzo y la inversión...

Lastimosamente, no hemos tenido ofertas concretas que nos permitan replicar el evento en otros lugares... (aunque no perdemos las esperanzas), hay ciertos requisitos que tenemos para ello, pero nada descabellado...

Les envío un link a mi blog con una pequeña reseña de lo que fueron las ediciones anteriores, y lo que será esta nueva y última edición de este conjunto de "réplicas" para hacer una pausa y volver espero en el segundo semestre del año, con un nuevo conjunto de charlas, esperemos que la participación se incremente, y que asistan todos los inscritos, que hemos tenido un fuerte porcentaje de casos de inscritos que no asistieron... y que también tengamos un crecimiento en tiempo (ojalá se pueda hacer mas de un día), temas (mas temas técnicos, diversidad de niveles) y en expositores.(que no seamos los mismos 5 o 10 personas que exponemos... jejeje)...


Y las inscripciones al evento (si se quieren ahorrar el salto) pueden entrar directamente a:


Inscripciones abiertas (todavía)...

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Stroustrup y el diseño de C++0x

[spc-l] Stroustrup y el diseño de C++0x


aquí pueden ver las diapositivas y el video de una charla dada por
Stroustrup acerca de C++ y el diseño de C++0x


muy iteresante.


CFP LANC 2011 - Latin America Networking Conference 2011

[spc-l] CFP LANC 2011 - Latin America Networking Conference 2011 [1 Attachment​]


vean esta conferencia. El CLEI (Centro Latino Americano de estudios en Informatica) ahora esta manejando tracks especializados por lo que vale mas la pena enviar articulos.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Héctor Cancela
Date: 2011/3/15
Subject: [clei-charla] CFP LANC 2011 - Latin America Networking Conference 2011 [1 Attachment]

<*>[Attachment(s) from =?windows-1252?Q?H=E9ctor_Cancela?= included below]

(por favor difundir - hago notar la existencia
de becas y premios para estudiantes e investigadores

Latin America Networking Conference 2011
Encouraging Network Research in Latin America
Quito, Ecuador, 12-14 October 2011

(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática) in cooperation with

General Chair
Héctor Cancela, U. de la República, UY

Honorary General Chair:
Ramón Puigjaner, Universitat Illes Balears , ES

Steering Committee
Ramón Cáceres, AT&T Labs, US
Ernst L. Leiss, U. of Houston, US
David R. Oran, CISCO, US
Ana Pont, U. Politécnica Valencia, ES
Rodrigo Santos, U. Nacional del Sur, AR

Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs
Gabriela Barrantes, U. de Costa Rica, CR
Eduardo Cerqueira, U. Federal de Pará, BR

Organizing Committee Chairs
José A. Gil, U. Politécnica de Valencia, ES
Alejandro Casares, Pontificia U. Católica del Ecuador, EC

Technical Program Committee
Antônio J. G. Abelém, UFPA, BR
Mikolaj Leszczuk, AGH, PL
Rashid Mehmood, Swansea University, UK
Jussara M. Almeida, UFMG, BR
Harry Perros, NCSU, US
Marília Curado, University of Coimbra, PT
Marinho P. Barcellos, UFRGS, BR
Javier Baliosian, UDELAR, UY
Benjamín Barán, UNA, PY
David Oran, CISCO, US
Luciana Buriol, UFRGS, BR
Enrique Carrera, ESPE, EC
Jaudelice de Oliveira, Drexel University, US
Eduardo Grampin, UDELAR, UY
Edmundo Monteiro University of Coimbra, PT
Augusto Neto, UFC, BR
José Piquer, UCH, CL
Francisco Quiles, UCLM, ES
Boris Ramos, ESPOL, EC
Gerardo Rubino, INRIA / IRISA, FR
Ronaldo Sales, IME, BR
Ariel Sabiguero, UDELAR, UY
Siraj A. Shaikh, Coventry University, UK
Nicolás Stier, Columbia University, US
Reinaldo Vallejos, UTFSM, CL
Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, UFRGS, BR
Oscar Nunez, PUC, PE
Eng Keong Lua, Carnegie Mellon University, SG
Xavi Masip, UPC, ES
Edjair Mota, UFAM, BR
Antonio Pescape, UNINA, IT
Jo Ueyama, USP, BR
Sherali Zeadally, University of the District of Columbia, US
Ramon Gesa, UDG, ES
Germinal Isern, NEU, US
Marcelo Mejía, ITAM, MX
Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University, US
Claudio Righetti, University of Buenos Aires, AR
Otto Spaniol, RWTH Aachen University, DE
Yutaka Takahashi, Kyoto University, JP
María Villapol, UVC, VE

Full paper submission:
May 9, 2011
Notification of acceptance:
July 18, 2011
Camera-ready copy:
August 5, 2011


The Latin America Networking Conference 2011 will provide an
international technical forum for experts from industry and academia
everywhere in the world, but especially from the Latin American
countries, to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in
networking. Topics include, but are not limited to:

· Low cost access networks
· Sensor and actor networks
· Low rate communications
. Quality of Service and Quality of Experience in communication systems
. Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks
. Multimedia networking systems
· National communication infrastructures
· Wireless communications
· PC computation
· Applications for productivity
· Internet based applications
· Web infrastructure
· Network management
· Network performance evaluation
· Network security
· Optical Communications
· Protocols and routing
· Green and Energy-efficient communications
· Smart grid communications
· Social Multimedia Networking

Submission of papers that cover solutions of specific network problems
of this region of the
world is especially encouraged.

Papers should be uploaded electronically, preferably in .pdf format, to
the Easychair website:
https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=lanc2011 .
For general questions, check the conference website
or contact lanc2011.contact@gmail.com

Authors submitting a paper must state that it has not been published
before and is not being submitted elsewhere. Full papers should be no
more than 15 pages, 12pt, including figures, and should follow the style
indicated in the conference website. The first page must contain an
abstract of about 150 words, name and affiliation of author(s), as well
as the lead author’s postal address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and
distributed to the conference attendees. At least one of the authors
must register for the conference by August 5, 2011 and attend the
conference to present the paper.

Submitted papers must be in English; accepted papers must be presented
in English.

All submitted papers will have at least two reviews. Acceptance will be
based on originality, quality, relevance and the practical value of the

All accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library and in
a CD with its own ISBN. The CD will be available at the Conference.

There will be a special issue of the CLEI electronic journal
(http://www.clei.cl/cleiej) devoted to extended versions of a selection
of the papers presented at LANC.

Travel Support and Prizes
Prizes for Top papers / ACM Geodiversity fund
ACM SIGCOMM has committed to provide funding for attending the SIGCOMM
2012 conference, for Latin American authors of two top LANC 2011 papers

IFIP TC6 Student Travel Grant Programme
Under the IFIP TC6 Student Travel Grant Programme, students or young
researchers from an IFIP member country may apply for partial funding to
assist them towards paying their travel and accommodation costs when
attending the 6th Latin America Networking Conference 2011.

Young researchers are researchers who have not yet completed their
studies up to, and including a doctoral degree. Such persons would
normally not be older than 35 years on the 1st October 2011. An Awards
Committee reviews the application and awards a grant where the applicant
would not otherwise have the resources to attend a conference or
workshop, with benefits to both the student and the symposium.

Grants are for the applicants travel and lodging expenses only and will
not exceed 500 € per grant. The maximum of the grant is fixed and any
claims in excess of 500 € will not be considered.

The information about how to apply for grants will be published at LANC
webpage http://lanc.webs.upv.es/lanc2011/.

Dr. Ing. Hector Cancela cancela@fing.edu.uy
Facultad de Ingenieria, UDELAR
J. Herrera y Reissig 565
Montevideo 11300, Uruguay

Fax: (+ 598)2712 0823
Tel: (+ 598)2711 0544 ext. 119

Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas. PhD
Dean of the School of Engineering and Computing
San Pablo Catholic University, Arequipa-Peru (www.ucsp.edu.pe)
Peruvian Computer Society, President
(+51)958.339.127 (NEW) (+51)(54)608020 Ext 326 (Office)

Masters in Language Technology at the University of Gothenburg

[spc-l][Corpora-L​ist] Masters in Language Technology at the University of Gothenburg

The Masters in Language Technology (MLT) at the University of
Gothenburg is an international masters programme which can lead to
either a one-year or a two-year degree. Deadline for applications in
the current round for Swedish and EU students is 15th April, 2011.
For further information see


Students are taught by researchers who are engaged in developing the
latest technologies within the University of Gothenburg's priority
research area in language technology at our Centre for Language
Technology (CLT, http://www.clt.gu.se/), a collaboration between four
departments at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of
Technology (Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of
Science, Department of Swedish, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering and Department of Applied Information Technology). We
encourage students to work on their masters projects in one of CLT's
three labs: dialogue technology lab, grammar technology lab, and text
technology lab.

Language technology research and teaching in Gothenburg is
characterized by a focus on the contribution of theoretical and
rule-based approaches appropriately combined with statistical
techniques. Students therefore receive instruction in linguistic
theory as applied to language technology as well as current approaches
to language technology. The programme draws students from a wide
variety of backgrounds including linguistics, computer science,
cognitive science and philosophy. The programme is heavily oriented
towards practical programming techniques (currently using the
programming language Python) but we do not require that students
entering the programme necessarily have a background in programming.
They should, however, be prepared to learn programming techniques in
an intensive introduction provided at the beginning of the programme.

[spc-l] ERP en la industria de la construcci​on.

[spc-l] ERP en la industria de la construcci​on.

Hablando de Open Bravo, alguno de ustedes tiene experiencia o sabe de implementacion de ERP's para la industria de la construcción, es decir, que ERP utilizan las grandes empresas constructoras, como Imagina, GyM, Aesa. JJE, etc.
Actualmente yo llevo un curso en ESAN, acerca de la implementacion de sistemas ERP, pero la mayor parte esta enfocado a sistemas de banca. Alguien sabe de algún caso de éxito? me han comentado mucho acerca de Dynamics, People Soft, Sap, Algo de Opne Bravo, y algo de Open ERP.
Gracias de antemano.

El 14 de marzo de 2011 12:45, Roguer Mario Paredes Falconi escribió:

un buen CRM y funcional es el SUGAR, el cual es gratuito y que es orientado a web;
otro de ellos es el Hipergate que aunque no lo he probado, he escuchado buenos comentarios.

Pero entre los mejores esta el Open Bravo, que mucho mas intuitivo y de interfaz amigable.

Hace dos años que vengo trabajando con algunas empresas locales y segun lo visto puedo decirte que es mucho mejor trabajar con un CRM
orientado a web, ya que su funcionalidad multiplataforma, el hecho de que no necesita ser instalado en cada PC-usuario asi como flexibilidad y rapides en acceso de datos es un punto a favor tanto en presupuesto para su implementacion, como en adaptaciones al entorno de cualquier empresa.

Lo que yo hago es tener armado un script base en php y luego en base a los requerimientos de cada empresa, irlo mejorando y adaptando para asi aminorar costos de programacion y al mismo tiempo ir mejorando y optimizando procesos, mas si quieres trabajar sobre scripts gratuitos y ver la forma de adaptar sus modulos a tus necesidades aqui te dejo algunos links de los ya mencionados.

Buena ventura .





Roguer Paredes Falconi
Asesoria y Diseño en Sistemas
Computer Science Student
"Universidad Catolica San Pablo"

Cel: +51-959322603

[spc-l] Neuroscien​ce and Cognition Graduate Program in Sao Paulo - Brazil

Neuroscien​ce and Cognition Graduate Program in Sao Paulo - Brazil


La Universidade Federal do ABC inicio un proceso de selección para maestría y doctorado en el área de Neurociencia y Cognición. Note que todo el proceso de selección puede ser realizado por teléfono, email o videoconferencia.

Por ser inter-disciplinar, se espera tener entre sus candidatos a estudiantes de carreras de Ciencias de la Computación o Ingeniería.

Mas informaciones pueden ser encontradas en: http://ppgnc.ufabc.edu.br/application/index.html

Gran abrazo,

Jesús P. Mena-Chalco

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yossi Zana
Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:10 PM
Subject: Neuroscience and Cognition Graduate Program in Sao Paulo - Brazil

A new interdisciplinary graduate program in Neuroscience and Cognition has just open an application process to select promising candidates. The selection process is in English and does not require physical presence. Approved candidates can receive institutional scholarships.

Detailed information can be obtained in our homepage ppgnc.ufabc.edu.br/index_en.html

Graduate Program in Neuroscience and Cognition: A New Opportunity

Anticipating the future is a strategic advantage

In the late twentieth century, groups of researchers met in the United States to study, in an interdisciplinary way, the interactions between living and artificial systems, with the stated goal of designing devices that enables the improvement of cognitive capabilities, health and physical capacity of man and thus produce, in theory, a greater social good. These studies gave rise to what was called converging technologies, with active research groups in Europe, the United States, Australia and Japan. The converging technologies are the union of four areas of science and technology that have in common the fact that they are recent and important for the development of the economy and society in general. The proposal is that they walk interconnected to contribute to the improvement of mankind. They are nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and neuroscience (or cognitive science). In Brazil, the Center for Strategic Studies and Management, social organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology, acknowledged the importance of these areas under the national interests.

New jobs in a rapidly changing world

There are several sectors of activity in the field of knowledge related to neuroscience and cognition will be highly strategic. Neuroeconomics, for example, is the study of how the mind interacts with the external environment to generate economic behavior. The cognitive ergonomics is the scientific discipline related to understanding interactions between humans and other elements of a system, providing theoretical support to facilitate this interaction. Cognitive ergonomists contribute to the design and evaluation of tasks, jobs, products, environments and systems in order to make them compatible with the needs, abilities and limitations of people. Neuromarketing is a new field of neuroscience, which studies the neurobiological bases of consumer behavior, identifying the desires, impulses and motivations of people through the study of physiological reactions in the different stimuli. It is also increasing and deepening the strategic knowledge in neuroeducation, an interdisciplinary field that combines neuroscience, psychology and education to create better teaching methods and curricula. This area has incorporated recent advances in studies on memory, language and other topics of cognitive neuroscience to develop better strategies for teaching and learning. Another approach in neuroeducation is understanding how cognitive and mental disorders can alter student learning and how teachers can collaborate with other professionals to help identify problems in the classroom, to facilitate the social inclusion of students affected.

Contemporary theme with an interdisciplinary approach

Scientific research in neuroscience follows innovation trends observed globally. Technological development has enabled recent advances in understanding the operation of the brain, allowing the study of mental functions by neuroimaging techniques. Observing and intervening in different hierarchical plans, from molecular to behavioral, neuroscience addresses the interaction between the levels of organization of the nervous system. Moreover, advances in understanding and treating mental disorders in a population with a longer life prospect, like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and epilepsy, have received enormous contribution by the association of areas such as genetics, neuropsychology and bioengineering. In fact, the interdisciplinary approach to solving real problems is a tendency in the contemporary world.

Course of excellence with the possibility of scholarship

The Master and Doctoral programs in Neuroscience and Cognition at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) started its activity in early 2011. The first selection process will start on March 10, 2011 and the activities of the program in May. The program is fundamentally interdisciplinary, integrating different fields of knowledge, and aims at training highly qualified scientific personnel to enable them to engage in teaching, research and development. All the faculty have Doctoral degrees and expertise in research attested by numerous publications in international journals. The program is composed of courses with interdisciplinary characteristics, aiming at training skilled professionals capable of integrating knowledge into innovative projects. Consistent with this proposal, the graduate students will be encouraged to fulfill credits taking courses offered by other graduate programs within and outside the UFABC. The Master and Doctoral programs in Neuroscience and Cognition will provide scholarships from the institution and research funding agencies to selected students.

More information: ppgnc.ufabc.edu.br/index_en.html